The EPA has now ranked indoor air pollution among the top 5 environmental dangers facing today’s public. The quality of indoor air can be two to five times (and even up to 100 times) more polluted than the worst outside air. The numbers are out! There has been an alarming increase in the number of children with severe allergies and asthma. According to the American Heart Association and Lung Association allergies, asthma, lung cancer and heart problems have all been linked to poor indoor air quality. You inhale approximately 20,000 breaths of air per day. The RPS Whole Home System designed to improve your home’s air quality and help you breathe easier.
UV Light combined with Photo Catalytic Kills Germs
UV Light disinfection is widely used in hospitals, laboratories and the food industry to sterilize instruments and work surfaces to prevent the spread potentially lethal airborne infectious diseases. UV light is a chemical-free means of purification.
Duct-mounted – vertical or horizontal mount
Easy to installSimple to maintain
2 x 24W UV Germicidal Lamps
Photocatalytic coating
Refraction Plate (Distributes the light more intensely)
Whole-house air purification
Neutralizes odors & toxic VOCs
Safe, Effective & Quiet
Easy to Maintain
Oxidizes mold, bacteria, viruses, allergens
Improves indoor whole home air quality
Inhibits mold growth in HVAC system
How the RPS UV System Works
Without high-powered fans or thick filters, the RPS UV combines the power of two highly regarded contaminant fighting technologies - ultraviolet light and PCO (photocatalytic oxidation).
The RPS UV utilizes two, germicidal ultraviolet lamps that produce a total of 2400/4800 microwatts of contaminant killing power that destroys airborne bacteria, mold, fungi, viruses, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) & odors. The powerful UV light is reflected throughout the chamber coming in contact with the chambers photocatalytic paint. This powerful combination quickly and efficiently oxidizes household contaminants into simple water vapor and carbon dioxide.